Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"You've GOT to stop being so hard on yourself!"

   These are the words my friend Dani insisted to me a few weeks ago. I was fretting about possibly hurting someone's feelings when a she gave me this advice which has turned out to be some of the best I've gotten in a while.  I constantly worry about being the perfect mom, wife, friend, you get the picture. Am I the only one who does this?  I don't really know why it resonated with me so much that day but since then I've tried to stop feeling guilty about every move I make.

Coaches' Wives Club -Kaylor, Hollie, Dani, Me (please no comments about my chins)

So it got me thinking about advice. Here are some I read recently that I LOVE:
(My comments/reactions are in grey)
1. We need to change what we say and what we allow to be said in front of us.
2. There are infinite numbers of do overs for your teen girls. Must remember this.
3. The most powerful teaching moments are the ones where you screw up. Lord knows I have plenty of these!
4. Do you light up when your kids are coming in the room or do you become the instant critic? Cringe!
5. If we own the story then we can write the ending.
6. Every time you watch Jersey Shore, a book commits suicide. Hilarious! Right?
7. You need at least one friend who will help you move a body. No judgement. There in a second. No explanation. Is it bad that I have more than one of this type of friend?
8. Midlife: When the Universe grabs your shoulders and tells you "I'm not f-ing around, use the gifts you were given."
9. We have to be the women we want our daughters to be. Beautiful.
10.Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love. Must do this!
11. It's no longer a question of can I do it. It's a question of: Do I want to do it? I have a feeling this doesn't apply to laundry.
12.There's nothing more daring than showing up, putting ourselves out there and letting ourselves be seen. Reminds me of my drama/music students and athletes.
13. In our moments of most intense joy, we realize how vulnerable we are.
14. What would you be glad that you did...EVEN if you failed? Loved someone! Sorry I'll let you decide.
15. We cannot give our children what we don't have. So true right?
16. Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.
17.Talk about your failures without apologizing. or making excuses.
18. It's not about "what can I accomplish?" but "what do I want to accomplish?" Paradigm shift. A good one for Mommies, especially this one!
19.Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect.
20. You can't dress rehearse the bad moments.
and my favorite....
21. Want to be happy? Stop trying to be perfect.

So which is your favorite? Why? Aren't these great? I can read these over and over. Really trying to put some of them into action. So what's the best advice you've been given lately?
This pic really doesn't have much to do with the post. I just love my kids faces in it and the light and colors.

P.S. I'm aware that I sound a lot like Bree Drummond (Pioneer Woman) today. Will try to work on that. Or not....


  1. I love this list, Mandi! I went to Time Out For Women this year for the first time. Have you been before? I loved every minute of it and a lot of the messages there were similar to this list. The theme was "Seek the Good" the speakers talked about ways we can actively SEEK good things in our lives regardless of our situations. The girls from Our Best Bites (a food blog) talked about some things that really stuck out to me. It's easy to be jealous/resentful of other women and their talents but we all have different capabilities and none of us are perfect at all things all of the time. It reminds me to focus on things that I have control over and what I do well and to stop constantly comparing myself to others.
    Loved this post!

  2. Girl I think we have just about all been there, trying to keep it all up. But there is no way and there never will be, and I've learned that when we try to make everything just so, we miss some really beautiful moments in our lives. Love ya, and love the post! Glad you are blogging again!

  3. Thanks Leigh Anna! I went to Time Out when Rj was a baby. So it's been a while would love to go again. Hmmmm sounds like a good excuse for us all to get together! Will have to check out that blog. You're so right, usually we only notice the things others are perfect at.

    Thanks Kaylor! That's such a good point! It reminds me of un-posed pics when everything is going crazy. Those are always my favorites. Love you too!

  4. I love this post Mandi! I really like number 10 and 15. One of my favorite quotes recently was from Zoey Deschanel on being a woman. http://pinterest.com/pin/200128777161626518/

    It's great to be a woman and be affected by things. What a blessing it is to feel emotion and gratitude!

  5. I'm so glad you're blogging again! I always enjoy your posts:) I think we all can take a lesson on enjoying and loving the life we live, instead of explaining our every step to everyone else. Love you!

  6. Thanks Lacey & Mitz- Love ya'll too!
